Course curriculum


    1. Smooth drop offs - Tips for families

    2. Smooth drop offs - Tips for educators

    3. Key Educator Fridge Poster with example


    2. Coming and Going in Childcare - Circle of Security Resource

    3. Understanding Attachment - Gowrie

    4. QA6_EnrolmentandOrientation- Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA)

    5. For early childhood professionals - Enrolment And Orientation Guidelines - (ACECQA)

    6. Cultivating Relationships with Teachers and Adults Who Care for Our Kids - Dr Deborah MacNamara

    7. When saying goodbye is hard - Deborah Macnamara

    1. Listen to Fi and I chat about quality in ECEC

About this course

  • $59.00
  • 12 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content

Content Covered

Enhance your confidence in understanding what a quality orientation and transition process looks like in early learning and care settings. Gain practical strategies that empower you to lead with assurance!

  • Circle of Security and Attachment science and how this relates to starting early learning

  • Match making - supporting new attachments to begin

  • Planning - So everyone is on the same page

  • Practical strategies for gentle success - with resources included

What people are saying

Jade - After a traumatic first attempt at childcare that included a 'rip the band aid off' approach where I was actually lied to by the educators and resulted in trauma for my daughter and myself. We removed our one year old from care. I knew I had to go back to work so I set about finding a great centre and armed myself with as much information as I could get. The Quality Orientations webinar gave me all the information and resources I needed to approach the new centre with. Being a great centre they were led by us with how we wanted to do orientation for our daughter. This has meant that after 2-3 weeks our daughter is so happy at her new centre and loves her educators so much that she throws herself in to their arms in the morning. We trust them and know that our daughter feels safe and cared for. I could not have advocated for my daughter without the knowledge gained in this webinar with our one year old. I am so grateful for the knowledge I gained and the resources provided. Thank you so much Elise.


M.Ed Elise Disher

- Master of Education (Early Years) - Circle of Security Facilitator - Holistic Sleep and Wellbeing specialist Hi, I'm Elise! I am a mum of two, an Early Childhood Consultant and Teacher. My mission is to create a movement in the way we educate and raise children so together we can improve the mental health outcomes of our next generation. I am passionate about promoting the importance of healthy attachment and developmentally responsive approaches in the first five years of life. I am BIG ON LITTLE PEOPLE, and I am thrilled that you have found your way here!

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